Why Neopagans Should Vote Green and Blue in 2004


Subverting the Dominant Paradigm in the Political Arena

(Version 3.0)

Copyright © 2000, 2005 c.e., Isaac Bonewits

The following discussion was originally rooted in the 2000 c.e. political situation in the U.S.A., however, the principles hold for most other Westerntwo partydemocracies as well. I’ve now put much of this into the past tense, even though the future is also looking very tense I will update this with some post-election comments Real Soon Now.

Demopublicans and Greens

In the last American Presidential elections, I supported Ralph Nader, Winona LaDuke and all the other Green Party candidates of whom I had knowledge in 2000 c.e. They were the only candidates whom I believed genuinely intended to put the environment, citizen/consumer power, and human rights issues — including the critically important separation of church and state — at the top of their priority list. The Green Party movement is, in fact, the only one I know whose core principles agree with more of What Neopagans Believe than they disagree. This is in contrast to Libertarianism, which I’m often asked to support, but which seems to me, with its dualist ideology of “Individual=Good” and “Government=Evil,” to be far more Mesopagan than Neopagan.

It still seems clear to me that the differences between most Republicratic candidates, from the Presidential ones on down to those running for local dogcatcher, are meaningless in terms of what we can expect them to actually do once elected. The same wealthy corporations and individuals support both major parties and will continue to receive the political and economic favors for which they pay. Neither Republicans nor Democrats will make any serious changes that will benefit the average American, because such changes would require offending or inconveniencing the Power Elite who have been running the U.S.A. for the last 200+ years.

And yet... this year may be different.

As I predicted before the election, Bush did change the rhetoric coming from the White House to please the Christian theocrats more than Gore would have done — and, I must admit, a lot more than the “marginal” amount I expected. While Bush is far more concerned with pleasing the plutocrats (his wealthy friends and puppetmasters) than the theocrats, and is simply contemptuous of non-monotheistic citizens, he has done far more kissing-up to the Religious Reich than I would have believed possible, nominating their judges and fighting their anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-feminist, anti-minority belief system battles for them.

I really shouldn’t have been so astonished that the mass media did nothing with the story of a famous “third” party presidential candidate (Ralph Nader), with a paid ticket in hand, being prevented from even attending the presidential debate he’d been excluded from. The Demopublicans were so terrified that Nader might “make a scene,” or ask an “outrageous” question from the audience, or do something else to remind the public that he was a candidate too (and that Bush and Gore were too cowardly to debate him), that they conspired together to violate his most basic constitutional rights.

A friend, who originally planned to vote for Gore, was outraged a few weeks before the election when a Public Radio news broadcast spent ten minutes on detailed coverage of a Gore speech in the Pacific Northwest, and then spent ten seconds on a passing reference to unspecified Greens protesting outside the hotel. There wasn’t a scrap of information on what and why they were protesting, nor Gore’s reaction to them. Like most of the supposedly “liberal” media, even the Public Broadcasting System has gone along with the Republicrat party line that there were/are “only two real candidates,” and that votes for anyone else are “wasted.”

Voting from Fear Rather than Conviction

Related to this “everybody knows” assumption is the scare tactic of characterizing all votes for third party candidates as “throwing the election” to the Evil Opposition, a tactic that all too many Neopagans, feminists, environmentalists, gay and lesbian activists, and others fell for in the 2000 campaign, and probably will fall for in the future. The mass media actively promoted this image of Nader as a “spoiler,” using that specific term over and over again, more frequently in each news story as the election drew nearer (some graduate journalism student somewhere will get a Masters degree by documenting this). While the mass media supposedly didn’t have the airtime or print space to discuss his ideas and proposals, they had plenty of both for stories repeating the assertion that Nader’s only role was to give the Presidency to Bush. Some of you may recall exactly the same tactic being used against John Anderson and Ross Perot in previous elections. It certainly is being used in the 2004 election coverage.

Rooted in this tactic is the argument trotted out every four years that “the next President could nominate enough new members of the Supreme Court to change its voting majority for the next twenty years, so we must make sure that the Evil Opposition isn’t the one nominating them!” This argument ignores the fact that the Supreme Court judges who have decided major cases involving hot topics like abortion, separation of church and state, environmental conflicts, and civil liberties, often in ways that most Neopagans would appprove, have been nominated by Republican Presidents as often as by Democratic ones. It also ignores the fact that, as Ralph Nader said,

The Democratic Party allowed what, in their own opinion now, are the two worst justices, Scalia and Thomas, to be confirmed in the senate. People sometimes forget that Scalia was confirmed ninety-eight to nothing in the senate with every democratic senator supporting him, including Al Gore. And Scalia never hid his ideology; he flaunted it everywhere. Clarence Thomas won after the Anita Hill hearings, no less, 52-48. Eleven democratic senators voted for him and took him over the top in a senate where the majority was the Democratic Party. (Press conference, Oct. 25, 2000)

Once they are in office, Supreme Court justices can and sometimes do surprise the people who thought they knew how they would vote. That said, the justices of the Supreme Court tarnished their honor forever by voting along strict party lines to abort the vote counting in Florida and give the White House to “their boy.” We can only hope that the Democratic senators who kissed up to the Republicans by voting to approve all Bush’s candidates for cabinet positions will have a bit more backbone if a Supreme Court position becomes vacant, and we had better plan on taking major political action then to make sure that they do!

As for the importance of electing “an environmental President,” that was yet another good reason to vote for Ralph Nader, as the only candidate from a political party that has environmentalism as a core value, rather than as a gimmick to trot out for elections and ignore afterwards. Gore said some very pretty things about the environment in his book, and during the end of his campaign, but he did almost nothing positive about it for eight long years. Instead he concentrated on “reinventing government” to make the Republicratic ideals of robber baron capitalism even easier to attain, by figuring out ways to hamstring the very people whose jobs are to keep dishonest and greedy corporations from ripping off the public and raping the Earth.

Bush was blunter about his contempt for environmental concerns (as shown by his choices for Secretaries of the Interior, Energy, and Environment departments), but Gore and he are both multimillionaires with heavy investments in, and obligations to, the very industries most responsible for the worst amounts and kinds of pollution. If the environment was your major election issue, your choice here was between a nasty Tweedledum and a nice Tweedledee.

And yet... and yet... this year may be different.

The Mess in Florida

“Whining liberal pundit-bots” (as cartoonist Tom Tomorrow calls them) have been loudly blaming Ralph Nader and the Greens (“Are you happy now?”) for the debacle in Florida. It’s odd that these professional “news analysts” have been so reluctant to point their fingers at Mr. Bush’s friends and relatives in Florida’s state government for their pre-election efforts to “disqualify” tens of thousands of legitimate African-American voters or their post-election foot dragging on the recount. Nor have they said much about the Supreme Court Justices who voted for the party that appointed them rather than insisting on a full and fair recount of the state’s entire votes.

As Nader commented after the election,

Gore ran a poor campaign, failed to attract new voters and remained a captive of the conservative Democratic Leadership Council and the corporations and the special commercial interests that financed his campaign. (Press conference, Nov. 10, 2000)

Nader campaign manager Theresa Amato added,

The idea that all the Green Party votes would have gone to Gore had Nader not run is not supported by the facts. A significant part of the Nader vote comes from new voters and voters who would not have voted without Nader on the ballot. Gore would not have attracted many of these votes under any circumstances.

Personally, I think the razor thin edge in the national popular vote between Bush and Gore provides even more evidence that American voters couldn’t find a significant difference between the “Big Two.” After all, they would have gotten similar results if they had all just flipped coins!

I do find it interesting that four years after various mass media news departments declared that they would do their own recounts of the Florida ballots to see who “really” won there, nothing seems to have been done. I guess the media have become as good as the politicians they cover at ignoring their promises after the elections are over.

I have been told that the counties in Florida that have been repeatedly hit by hurricanes this year are all ones that voted heavily for Bush in 2000. Is this a coincidence or is Gaia trying to get a point across?

An Interesting Perspective from Abroad

I have yet to trace the original publication of the following, which arrived in my email with the above Subject listing. It is said to have come from an interview with an unidentified African politician, and may be entirely apocryphal, but what it says is worth thinking about, regardless of the source. Additional comments by myself are in [brackets].

Imagine that we read of an election occurring anywhere in the third world in which the self-declared winner was the son of the former prime minister and that former prime minister was himself the former head of that nation’s secret police (CIA).

Imagine that the self-declared winner lost the popular vote but won based on some old colonial holdover (the electoral college) from the nation’s pre-democracy past.

Imagine that the self-declared winner’s “victory” turned on disputed votes cast in a province governed by his brother.

Imagine that the poorly drafted ballots of one district, a district heavily favoring the self-declared winner’s opponent, led thousands of voters to vote for the wrong candidate.

Imagine that members of that nation’s most despised caste [African-Americans], fearing for their lives/livelihoods, turned out in record numbers to vote in near-universal opposition to the self-declared winner’s candidacy.

Imagine that hundreds of members of that most-despised caste were intercepted on their way to the polls by state police operating under the authority of the self-declared winner’s brother [while those who could get to a polling place found few or no state-mandated translators available to assist them if they did not speak the majority language].

Imagine that six million people voted in the disputed province and that the self-declared winner’s “lead” was only 500 votes. Fewer, certainly, than the vote counting machines’ margin of error.

Imagine that the self-declared winner and his political party opposed a more careful by-hand inspection and re-counting of the ballots in the disputed province or in its most hotly disputed district.

Imagine that the self-declared winner, himself a governor of a major province, had the worst human rights record of any province in his nation and actually led the nation in executions.

Imagine that a major campaign promise of the self-declared winner was to appoint like-minded human rights violators to lifetime positions on the high court of that nation.

[Imagine that the self-declared winner’s final victory was handed to him by a majority of that high court, who had all been placed there by his father and other prime ministers from his own party.]

None of us would deem such an election to be representative of anything other than the self-declared winner’s will-to-power. All of us, I imagine, would wearily turn the page thinking that it was another sad tale of pitiful pre- or anti-democracy peoples in some strange elsewhere.

This is very much what our last presidential elections looked like to outside observers, as well as to a growing number of Americans. The belief that crooked elections only happen in other countries or specific big cities is yet another ethnocentric Americanism.

Now we have had four years of an unelected President, with perhaps the lowest I.Q. of any President in the last 100 years, eagerly using the “War on Terrorism” as an excuse for giving away even more billions to his wealthy friends and giving our secret police unbounded power to violate most American’s civil liberties in the name of protecting us. This, of course, is not to mention the illegal war he lied the American people into undertaking, with over a thousand young Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians dead, our nation $200 billion further in debt, our civil liberties more in danger than they have been for several decades, Islamic terrorists multiplying like rabbits, and more bad news to come.

Gee, maybe this year is different...

Evolving Beyond the Two Party System

The insistence of reducing all races for public office to two and only two “important” participants is rooted in the Dualism that has saturated Western culture for the last 1,500 years — not to mention the relative ease for the Power Elite of controlling two political parties rather than several — and is not going to go away until it is challenged directly, on philosophical, religious, and political grounds. Such a challenge would have to be made in simple language, to produce catchy sound-bites the media might carry and the voters would remember. Maybe a slogan like, “The universe can count higher than two!” would be a good beginning.

Rather than trying to get the media to let a “third party” into a “two party” race, we need to promote the meme (or core idea) that all these political races are really multi-party contests. It won’t really hurt a Green candidate to mention that there are other “outsiders” running, even if this does go against the Dualist political culture that says all competitors must be demonized. As ecologists (or Neopagans) we have a perfect metaphor available to us that most other parties don’t — healthy political systems need a variety of different social and political ideas and organizations, just as all healthy bioregions need a multiplicity of species. (That’s a point the Greens might want to take into consideration in the future, when dealing with the dualist history, worldview, and tactics of the “purist” parts of the Green movements.)

In the future the Green Party should get together with a half a dozen other minority parties from across the political spectrum and webcast our own debates, preferably with the help of the League of Women Voters and other organizations that used to sponsor the big Presidential debates. Who knows, maybe some of the media (who haven’t been purchased by multinational conglomerates yet) would show up and cover the story of independent American citizens doing an end-run around the Demopublicans.

We could use the principles of memetic engineering and attempt to create and spread simple yet powerful, multilevel concepts in words and images, blanketing first the Net, then other forms of broadcast communication, eventually manifesting in laundrymats, playgrounds, bars, and dining rooms around the nation and the world. I’m suggesting a kind of verbal and visual subversion of the dominant paradigms. We could start simply with, say, phrases like “Just two sides is just two simple,” or “If elections could change anything only the rich would get to be candidates … hey!” or “If the Republicrats have all the answers, it’s time to come up with new questions.” Obviously, this is a useful role that artists and intellectuals could play in Green strategy teams. If creative shills in the advertising and public relations industry can get everybody in the country repeating the same slogans or associating incompatible concepts as if they were natural (like smoking and atheletes), then creative evolutionaries can plant our own life-affirming, healthy, progressive memes and help them spread.

And in 2004?

What should Neopagans do this year? After much thought and internal debate (with more than two voices!) I have decided that this year is different! Why?

  • Because George W. Bush is personally dangerous to the American people and the rest of the world — do we really want a genuinely stupid person, who doesn’t read, who is appallingly ignorant about other countries, and who ignores advice from his own military experts, running America?
  • Because if he wins he will owe major favors to the theocrats who want to overthrow our democracy and destroy our civil liberties in the name of their God.
  • Because Bush’s foreign policies will create far more Islamic terrorists than we can ever kill, since he is stuck in a Christian Dualist worldview that sees the “War on Terror” as a Crusade — which makes fundamentalist Muslims see their side of it as a Jihad, like those they have been fighting for centuries.
  • Because his neoconservative puppetmasters will drag us into one profit-driven war after another, trying to create a worldwide American Empire, so they can live out their lives in obscene wealth and luxury, leaving the rest of the world in poverty and ecological collapse afterwards.
  • Because if Bush is elected, my son will eventually be dragged into one of these neanderthal religious wars and his life be thrown away for nothing — just like those brave men and women who have already died for Halliburton and Texaco (while being told they were defending America).
  • Because while mainstream Democrats and Republicans aren’t much different from each other, extreme right wing Republicans are significantly different from moderate left wing Democrats.

So this year I am going to vote for Democratic candidates in all the federal races I can, while voting Green or Liberal in state and local races. I recommend this admittedly “horrified” policy (see below) to all American Neopagan voters. This approach is called “tactical voting” and is being promoted by organizations such as Greens for Kerry, Republicans for Kerry, and Independents for Kerry. Many political organizations outside the Democratic Party are arranging presidential vote-swapping between Democrats voting in safely “Blue” states and others voting in “Red states;” be aware that this may be illegal in some states.

As for what others might do, I have suggestions for different groups of voters:

  • For the pure of heart — if you believe that your votes should be based on what you really believe, rather than on matters of tactics and strategy, and you believe third party candidates represent your values better than the current Democratic or Republican candidates do, then vote for those third party candidates you truly support in every available contest.
  • For the apathetic and disgusted — you are a majority! If you belong to the 55% of eligible voters who don’t vote at all because of disgust with the current two party system, then just go out and vote after all, but vote for the third party candidates who you think represent your beliefs best. This won’t “throw the race” to any Demopublican candidates but will strengthen third party movements in general and the ones you vote for in particular. Staying home is exactly what the bastards want you to do. Going out and actually voting for third party candidates sends a clear message to the Big Two that they don’t represent you, no matter what the Electoral College says. (Speaking of which, amending the Constitution to get rid of that Power Elite anachronism should be on our agendas Real Soon Now — not fours years from now when we remember again.)
  • For the nervous vote for third party candidates in every contest in which you’re sure the Less-Awful Republicratic candidate has a strong lead over the More-Awful one. You won’t “throw the race to the Evil Opposition” that way either, and again you’ll strengthen third party movements in general and the ones you vote for in particular.
  • If you are horrified at the thought of four more years of the Republican Party controlling all four branches of the government you can still vote for third party candidates for state and county legislators and executives, as well as for city council, utility district, library, and school board members, etc., while voting Democratic for the federal contests. Remember that you will not be struck by lightning if you vote for candidates from more than one party, that is, “split your ticket.”

Personally, I believe that the third party Neopagans should support is the Green Party, as the one most in keeping with Neopagan beliefs and practices. Some Mesopagans may prefer the Libertarian Party.

But even if you don’t choose the Greens as your preference, vote for third party candidates in every appropriate situation (and there are a lot of them in state and local races). It is going to take several election cycles of third party candidates winning at the state and local levels before any of them will have a prayer of winning on the federal level. With patience and determination we can build a political system that matches Neopagan principles of pluralism and multimodel problem solving, instead of the mainstream paradigm of The Forces of Good™ (us) vs. The Forces of Evil™ (them).

But what about Nader?

Here’s what I suggest on my Spells for Democracy page:

[Cast a spell to] give Ralph Nader a vision of what will happen if he takes enough votes away from the Democratic candidates to allow Bush and company to win this year. As much as I admire the man (or used to), this year I’m going to support the Presidential, Vice Presidential, Senatorial, and Congressional candidates who can actually defeat the Religious Reich and the Neo-Con imperials, which will be John Kerry, John Edwards, and whoever the other Democratic candidates are (I’ll vote Green or Liberal Party for all the other races). This spell is the magical equivalent of giving Nader a really impassioned lecture about why his run is a Bad Idea this year. (I’ve also heard the idea that he just needs a lover to boost his ego enough to not need to run for president every election—in which case, prayers to Aphrodite and Eros to help him out in this department might just do the job!)

This year, unless you live in a state where Bush or Kerry has a twenty point lead over the other, a vote for Nader (or any other third party candidate) really is wasted — and you’re going to hate yourself if you wake up on November 3rd with Bush having won...

Changing the Way We Vote

The Center for Voting and Democracy is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that studies how voting systems affect participation, representation and governance. Their website has a lot of very good, very practical ideas of how voting procedures can be made more representative of how voters really feel about candidates. Most of those ideas would allow multiple parties to flourish and non-millionaires to get elected. I especially recommend their discussion of Instant Runoff Voting.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State has an annual campaign to fight the Religious Reich’s use of tax exempt churches to support rightwing candidates.

Unfortunately, all this only works if peoples votes actually get counted correctly...

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(P. E.) Isaac Bonewits, Adr.Em./ADF
Email: ibonewits@neopagan.net
Snailmail: PO Box 1010, Nyack, NY, USA 10960-8010
This webpage is copyright © 2004 c.e., Isaac Bonewits
Most recently updated: January 22, 2005 (advertising)
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